パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 ラブル パワーブルドーザー おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き Paw Patrol, Rubble’s Bulldozer Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol, Rubble’s Bulldozer Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
12.7 × 12.7 × 12.7
・CONSTRUCTION BULLDOZER TOY CAR: Rubble is on the double in his Bulldozer! With authentic detailing, working tracks, and moveable drill and scoop, this construction vehicle is ready to take on exciting rescue missions! ・COLLECTIBLE RUBBLE FIGURE: This Bulldozer includes a collectible Rubble figure. Wearing his signature construction uniform, Rubble is ready to save the day! ・CREATIVE PLAY: The PAW Patrol are on a roll! Kids can explore their imaginations as they create all kinds of fun and exciting rescue missions for their favorite pup and vehicle! ・Rubble’s Bulldozer makes a great gift for kids aged 3 and up. Bring the excitement of the hit TV show into your home with the PAW Patrol pups and their vehicles! ・Includes: 1 Rubble Figure, 1 Bulldozer Vehicle
パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 ラブル パワーブルドーザー おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き Paw Patrol, Rubble’s Bulldozer Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 ラブル パワーブルドーザー おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き Paw Patrol, Rubble’s Bulldozer Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
・COLLECTIBLE RUBBLE FIGURE: This Bulldozer includes a collectible Rubble figure. Wearing his signature construction uniform, Rubble is ready to save the day!
・CREATIVE PLAY: The PAW Patrol are on a roll! Kids can explore their imaginations as they create all kinds of fun and exciting rescue missions for their favorite pup and vehicle!
・Rubble’s Bulldozer makes a great gift for kids aged 3 and up. Bring the excitement of the hit TV show into your home with the PAW Patrol pups and their vehicles!
・Includes: 1 Rubble Figure, 1 Bulldozer Vehicle
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